Using the App


The authorise page, pictured below, displays a dropdown menu of all employees who have worked for your department with timesheets to authorise.


A link to this page will only be present in the navigation menu if you have authorisation permissions!


Select an employee and then the date field will appear. Clicking in this field allows you to select the date for the week you would like to authorise. You will only be able to select days with timesheets to authorise. After selecting both an employee and date, click GO After this a table will appear at the bottom of the page. All fields, apart from the date and bottom row can be edited. The last row displays totals of all fields that update as you make changes. When you are happy with the information, click the Authorise button. If there is any missing info or incorrectly formatted info, you will be notified of the error.


Last updated on December 8, 2022